Monday, September 4, 2006

It functioned!

Hey, what joy! It actually folded. Now I had to admire nevertheless straight first times mine first entry. Quasi a miracle of the modern technology. *lach*
So, that is to have been it now in addition, first times for today, because I will swing now still another Stündchen on the trim wheel. Even if I adhered good today to my 16-Uhr-Diät, I have nen Wopper, Country Potatoes nevertheless with BurgerKing and Chicken Filets cleans. Might not have been calorie-poor necessarily. And the balance is there inexorable…
Hey, only two entries and both are occupied somehow with sport and Diät. I believe, I obtain here a completely wrong impression of me. Naja, which I will probably know to revise in next time still…
Beautiful evening times still…

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