Saturday, August 19, 2006

The bad Kolo and nervige colleagues and colleague

There am I again. Freshly of Hanteln lift and wait for the advertising break with TV-total, so that I can shave myself and shower.Last Friday was by the way gefrustet I genuinly badly. I had nevertheless actually increased a Kilo. Well, strictly speaking was also no miracle, because in the learning time of Schatzi I had gefuttert, as if there would be nix more tomorrow…
So… Advertising break… Until equivalent…
There am I again! All lints from the face wiped and likewise eliminates the sweat of training.
Thus, where was I? Oh, cradles on last Friday. Tja, anyhow we had not weighed somehow 14 days. And now I had increased a Kilo. And that means that I must pay four euro punishment. Again times. Is not the first time that I increased and therefore punishment pay must. I am not thereby alone, because happened to the other one already several times, but nevertheless it is annoying. I had hoped somehow at least my weight to have held.And I found then noon particularly nervig eat. It is like that that we weigh on Fridays in the morning directly at 8.30 o'clock. And on Fridays at noon between 12 and 14 o'clock we cook then. Last week were two colleagues to. And it was genuinly lecker. Really. Rice with überbackene Hackbällchen Toscana. And where I write there now straight in such a way of, also promptly my Bauchi announces itself again to word and means, hums to have… But nix gibt's…In any case I ate then also a leckeren plate with rice and überbackenen Hackbällchen Toscana. And there I of morning weighing was still so gefrustet, wanted I stop no more second plate to eat. And the colleagues could not so at all understand that. No, that could not be nevertheless that I wanted to eat actually only one plate. How goes sowas? That is quasi sowas like the world end…And, because I take otherwise gladly also times a third plate and devour the remainders, I am now obligated only to do always in such a way. That the dear colleagues and colleague bound and fed me not directly, everything was real. I had to say at least three times loud and clearly that I wanted nothing more. The colleague, who had prepared the meal, said then only: “It it does not taste stop.” And there I was meanwhile already totally loaded, I her also only completely halfheartedly contradicted. Since however now really not the reason was -, as already said, it was real pig schweinelecker - has I the colleague afterwards then once again called and personally it explains it that it was not now really because of the court. It was also absolutely not sour and had also equal to understanding for it. (Mhm, although Schatzi states that the colleague wants me and therefore surely for a quantity things understanding has… whereby I that does not believe…)
By the way I am tomorrow with a colleague with cooking to. We make hunter shreds with potato corners. Becomes safe lecker. Times look.
Main thing, I decreased the bad, bad Kilo tomorrow again. Finally this week also good trained and me also meal-moderately halfway held back. Naja, the balance will show the cruel truth tomorrow.
On Monday I cook by the way already again in the office. I have on Saturday birthday and I there considered myself to prepare for the dear colleagues and colleagues from my office a opulentes meal. There are Miracoli… Nevertheless. Finally I must make that all alone. And as a man!!!!
Like that, now it is already again 23,10 o'clock, TV-total is by and I wants equal still with Schatzi to telephone.
By the way there is still another completely hot piece of news, which I kept so far for me. Naja, but in addition we come another time.
If we any longer do not read ourselves: a beautiful weekend together!autumn Meier

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