Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Wonder drug sport

There am I again!

Hey, with me works sport gaaanz strangely. When I drove off, I had still the impression that Schatzi stuck on me. I was totally schlapp and my eyes was completely warm. And if I have warm eyes, that is actually always an indication for the fact that I am afflicted with a cold bisl. Actually I am so well unkaputtbar and gaaanz, completely rarely times only ill, but if such a bad flu virus should have in-crept then nevertheless times with me, then that mostly takes one day, until I again well am. Okay, the day am then powerfully wehleidig I and feel also somehow powerfully death near, but but am I then amazingly fast again well. Naja, and I had a while ago the impression, as if exactly the same an in daily flu would announce itself. And that just, where tomorrow nevertheless the operating trip is. Whether I would have been however really sooo sad then, if I did not have along also, was times posed there, because finally I can imagine also substantially more beautiful to sit than six hours in the bus. But no matter, now I announced and then also participate myself I. And it becomes supposed also completely funny. At least enough colleagues and colleague ride along, with whom one can have powerfully much fun. And now am I again great. And that is the strange! Sport makes me healthy. Nix of because of “sport is murder”. Nö, completely on the contrary, if I aufgerafft myself first times and am so slowly “warmed up”, then goes it to me mostly genuinly well, even if I were still total before schlapp. Clearly, absolutely always it does not help naturally. Sometimes I have naturally also so days, where I think then that I could also myself have saved training on the day, because I simply too schlapp am. But mostly is it then different. And such one evening was then probably today: totally without motivation and with the impression to be ailing easily hang-drive and topfit and fidel again returned. Well, if that is not a training success.
So, now I must still shave myself and telephone directly again with Schatzi. Times it looks how she is, but I do not think times that the work will have the same effect with it, as with me the sport. Completely on the contrary probably unfortunately honour…

Hey, I tried straight to convert the CD “Away from the sun” from 3 Doors down into MP3 in order to be able to then hear it with the Joggen on my MP3-Player. But that did not fold so correctly somehow. Are loud jumps in it. Mhm, blöde thing that. But at the copy protection it does not lie actually. Naja, I will once again try another time.

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