Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Repaired car and insulted legs

I have it again! Yes, my nut runner actually created it. It made it however also exciting up to the last minute. I have it at 20 o'clock called and there said he: “Mhm, does not look good. Call nevertheless around 21:45 clock once again on and if it did not give problems with the installation, you could have the car at 22 o'clock again.” Tja, and as I it at 22 o'clock called, was the world correct. It wanted to have even “only” 100 euro and not like announced 120. Hectar! And we could even look “24” to the end. Today thus everything folded exactly the same, how it should. And Schatzi does not know yet at all that I am thus punctual noon tomorrow with their. I will tell it however directly at the telephone. There it is pleased reliably… (I want to hope at least…)

Mhm, granny makes straight sauerkraut. Lecker. I eat totally gladly. Perhaps Schatzi cooks for me on weekend times again nen sauerkraut-accumulates. But, that would have which…

Somehow my legs no more do not like me. I do not understand at all. I did not annoy it at all nevertheless today times so badly. Thus really… I ran really relatively loosely. And neither the distance nor the duration were now so excessively violent. I do not understand at all…

My buddy meant that he did not have time on the coming weekend. Thus the autopurchase will probably shift with me some more. But there it does not depend now also on one week. Clearly it itches already somehow me in the fingers to buy me another car. But I want to rush into there also nothing. In addition I must have also still another another television. Naja, but one after the other one. I will create already somehow.

So, it is now already again 23 o'clock. I will move then now times so slowly toward bed, me still the telephone will snatch and then to my Schatzi the good message will communicate.

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