Hello times again!
After a small Abstinenz from the Web log am I now times again here. As I already mentioned in my last entry, I have a straight few days vacation. In order to be exact, I took Monday until including Wednesday vacation. Naja, Wednesday diminish I overtime, but comes in the final result auf's resembles out.
I sit straight with Schatzi vorm computers, while Schatzi in the living room leads. No, I drove, so far her not yet finally into the insanity am it nevertheless not yet. Rather Schatzi for its tomorrow's verbal examination learns. No notion, which exactly there now it concerns. Somehow sociology and Pädagogik. Anyhow it seems to be quite complicated probably ne quantity and. Whereby Schatzi does not have it allegedly eh so with verbal examinations. In any case I took myself vacation, in order to support it energetically when learning. How does my support look exact now? Well, my bare presence represents my active support. I white, sounds myself now rather weakly, but Schatzi says that she is many more balanced, if I am here. Naja, and if more not my task is… finally is I civil servants and there it is naturally an easy for me to be simply only there.
But we naturally also tried to connect the obligation with the pleasant one. Finally a dream weather was and there it sowas from unfortunate would have been in the last two days, if we had squatted the whole time only in the Bude with learning. Thus we packed and wanted our things on Sunday actually all day long into the Sauna. Schatzi its documents forward would have carried and between the Saunagängen learned and I would have nen industriously bisl which für's office read. In addition I wanted the force area in the leisure time swimming pool, to which we drove, use. But I had unfortunately, unfortunately forgotten to pack up sport trousers. And only dressed in a towel I did not want nevertheless to then do gymnastics at the prime movers. In addition I had already considered myself on the way to the leisure time swimming pool that it was actually a blöde idea, to drive on Sunday there. I imagined that it weekday would nevertheless be surely many emptier there. This thought and the forgotten sport trousers brought us then to the fact that we established ourselves at the nearby lake with our respective reading material. Occasionally I also still another small Nickerchen inserted. And which I am to say: a sun fire we caught ourselves. I would not have thought that at the temperatures. I lay occasionally also without T-Shirt on the belly and me the sun on the backs seem to let, but otherwise it was not times so warm that one could have lain with short trousers there. As one can be mistaken. It does not have to be particularly warm thus at all times, in order to be able to catch itself a sun fire. Well, the sunbeams were also still reflected now by the lake and strengthened therefore, but nevertheless I would not have expected that.
After now Sunday the large Saunatag failed, we retrieved it then - arms with sport trousers - on Monday. And that was correctly class. We were at 12 o'clock there and to in the evening around 18:30 clock remained. Occasionally always times a Saunagang, then a small Nickerchen, bisl which read and also short attendance in the Fitnessraum. All in all a super day. Genuinly, then it can be lived. Tja, and Schatzi, which honour so the nordländischen Hauttyp has, have themselves naturally properly verbrüht in the sun. Still more than on Sunday already. We were there dressed and therefore them “only” the face and the arms had burned ourselves still completely. Naja, and now in the Sauna, thus nackich, was the chest range to. (With me by the way the back) you looks now genuinly merry. A mixture out knows and red. Whereby it the opinion is that the red becomes with it again white and not as with me brown. Well, in the Turkey vacation you called last year the dealers in the bazaar “white leg” afterwards. And on our last day!!!! But nevertheless I find that she also gets color in the summer bisl. In particular she then always gets a whole heap of nice summer rungs on the whole body. *grrrr* I love this woman. It is like that sexy….
But enough of it. Today was then intensive learning day. That is, that Schatzi is begun directly after rising to learn and I sat down directly before the computer. I “processed” first times a few Mails. Thus nothing really important. Rather I get the most diverse new type character with more or less interesting left. So for example today new type character with the left on www.chauvi-seite.de. Okay, dear girls, you may I gladly in air tear up now, but I found the side quite amusing. In particular if one regards the side with necessary humor. Well, who takes the whole rubbish there naturally seriously and really the whole stereotyped ones over Männlein and woman flax believes not to help is eh. A further side, which pleased me very well, was called www.mamas-klassiker.de. Those are collected the whole sayings of mothers, who we all from our childhood. There Schatzi and I compared then in a learning break, which sayings used our mothers in such a way everything and to have very much laughed at it. Naja, today, as adults is that also no problem…
Oh, by the way Friday the operating trip really went to the autocity to wolf castle. Naja, and it were completely funny. But less because of the goal than rather because of the participants and/or the colleagues and colleagues, with whom I spent so the day. We talked a quantity stupid things and a quantity laughed.
Now Schatzi wuselt here with my MP3-Player on the ears by the dwelling and sounds themselves its own gossip. It sits now on the bed and grinst me on. Now it wackelt with the foot. Which wants to probably say it to me thereby?
But back to the autocity. Unfortunate it was actually to the fact that we did not visit the actual work. That is the people reserved, which fetch a car there. In wolf castle one can fetch its new car directly ex factory. Tja, and whole groups cannot unfortunately visit the work. If a few places in the bus, which drives by the work, are free still, isolated still people can ride along, even if they do not fetch a car there. A few colleague also made then. Quite little has to actually do Naja, and the autocity as such with the gentleman position from cars to. It turns in the autocity everything somehow around the dream on four wheels, but nevertheless all right abstractly and honours from artistic view. , There was then for example so a corner is to be called, in which one could answer knowledge questions. About like slowly a snail or the hair of humans creeps becomes as long, if it does not cut it. No pale glow, which had to do exactly now with cars… Naja, but directly badly was not it. Only for correct Autofreaks is honours nothing. Except perhaps the autohouse. Here the different milestones of autohistory are shown. And that was then nevertheless already a Hingucker partial. So age-old beetles or the first Volkswagen-Bulli and such things stop. Some colleagues came up the heart, when they saw their respective first cars. That was already class. But my locking judgement: the long bus travel (scarcely 3 hours a way) was not necessarily worthwhile itself. It was not now grottenschlecht that I find that it was totally rausgeschmissenes money, but it was now also not so interesting, I would have had to drive for it so far. But with so an operating trip it concerns the community also more in such a way. And there those was. Exactly with the colleagues and colleagues, with whom I am gladly together.
Like that, now it is already again 22,27 o'clock and directly comes TV-total. Times looks, what now again too lästern has the Schandmaul Raab…
I hope that with my Schatzi everything folds tomorrow. But to press I may not do thumbs, because that brought its so far in each case pitch, if their someone pressed the thumbs. Perhaps were in addition, simply in each case the wrong people… Anyhow it is experienced tomorrow directly the result. That is nevertheless already times which. There one knows then at least immediately, how one is to and does not have still for weeks to fear for, as with the written examinations, for their results we also still wait.
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