Is' nich' truely. My Web log was selected for the Web log of the week. How could happen now again? Should someone have actually suggested my Web log for this honorable title? I nearly cannot introduce myself. But not with the title: “Official diary”. I mean, make myself we nothing forwards, the best reputation have we officials now really not in the population. And I must confess that I can reconstruct with some colleagues of my guild well that they are considered as putrid and arrogantly. But there are also different. And I think, it give in each profession such and such. And I rank myself simply times among such…
So, but after I was pleased in such a way now, there is also a reason not to be any longer completely so in a good mood. My Autochen makes times again moods. When I drove this morning from Schatzi to the work, it began to smoke suddenly. In the car! And with schlappen 140 km/h. Well, it was now not straight as many that I could see nothing more, but nevertheless is then in the first moment nevertheless quite surprised one, if there suddenly smoke comes from the ventilation. I am then also equal the next departure down and first times industriously cooling water refilled. And then again completely piano on the motorway. Beautifully supply with 80 - 100 km/h on the right trace direction office. And then I broke times again the law. I telephoned simply while driving. Yes, sometimes the heart of a lawless one pounds also in an official. *lach* and that is not times so cheap at all, if one is gotten there. Costs equivalent 40 euro (I mean) and one point in Flensburg. That was there however rather all the same to me. Anyhow I called mine best buddy. That learned times Kfz mechanics (even if it has today another occupation) and I asked that then first times, what can be. Since in the floor space of my car also a small puddle formed, it knew directly by remote diagnostics: the heat exchanger or thermal probes or like that was to it debt. (Hectar, hectar, here speaks the non-technical official!) Anyhow must there now which are exchanged. And my nut runner has only on Tuesday for me time.
Mhm, and one guessed/advised me to make times better with the car no far routes more. Tja, and which that is called? That I cannot on weekend to my Schatzi.
Now one could come on the idea that Schatzi comes simply to me. But that is not so simple at all. Schatzi has a still schrottigeres car as I. Yes, one hardly believes it, but it really gives. Naja, and the long distance to here with the mill would be probably quite daring. And there Schatzi weekday to 23 o'clock to work must take, would have it the last course. With the thought also not completely probably is me then, because which at night drive there for shapes by the area, there one does not make oneself a picture of… , And now I consider Tja naturally back and forth. Do I dare it simply and do drive to my Schatzi? Naturally completely slowly and always with an eye on the temperature indication. Naja, but if it my Möfftöff thereby completely divides, is also not helped me thereby. Thus somehow ne dilemma. Are waiting times. I will decide tomorrow.
By the way the repair costs then also times again 120 euro. Tja, I should probably make friends itself with the thought to have to add me soon another car. But take from where and do not steal? (like our granny always says) anyhow my next car will become probably a Diesel, because with the many kilometers, which I put back in such a way, I have the increased Kfz tax to jerk-twitch again raus. Tja, but the dear money. Becomes genuine time that I win times so slowly in the Lotto or sowas. Although, I believe, but one must play at all first times Lotto, or?
A while ago was I naturally also again industriously joggen. The usual hour. But it is still condemned dark at 21.15 o'clock.
Meanwhile I got accustomed - or rather my legs have themselves - the Joggen. When I the first time after the winter break again joggen was, I had still three days late muscular strain in the thighs. That put fortunately.
I had to be this evening in addition, industrious, because I had quite gesündigt over Easter. No, not with Schatzi (there no more than otherwise), but which concerns the meal. There I slammed shut in the last days rather and me also so at all by my the other day still so highly praised 16-Uhr-Diät did not hold. I hope times that I held my weight when tomorrow's weighing at least, so that I do not have to pay still 3 euro punishment. Although I - honestly said - not really assume that. I think, such a Kilo I more on the bone will probably have than with last weighing. Perhaps but I am mistaken also. Are waiting.
Tomorrow also our temperature bet is dissolved. Temperature bet? Well, we bets nevertheless wochenweise in the office. And in this week we bet on Tuesday, how much degree will be it on Friday at 12.30 o'clock. I tapped on 15 degrees. And thus I lie beside probably quite. I estimate times that it becomes nevertheless substantially warmer. At least they forecast that. It is to become correctly beautifully sunny tomorrow. In principle I find that also not bad, but I would win the bet nevertheless already gladly tomorrow. Thus, which may hang or other Wölkchen tomorrow gladly at least over the thermometer.
Next week goes it then around the fight Klitschko approximately Sanders. I was appropriate for Tja, with the last fight already powerfully beside it. I had set on the fact that Klitschko after point victory the 12. Round creates. And there it kriegt in such a way before the balloon. Incomprehensibly! Genuinly annoying. But I do not give hope up. The Brüderchen will win its fight. Gaaanz determines. Not with K.O., I do not believe. No, I think with a point victory. At least my Schatzi says that.
Apropos Schatzi: my Schatzi pointed out me that I have or other spelling mistake in my entries. And as civil servants! Thus sowas. I am to have allegedly several times forgotten with words with “ck” the “C”. But I excuse and retrieve myself the “C” hereby in all form: C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C.
So, Mrs. Lehrerin, better so? If it makes you glüklich…
So, now I must cut still my fingernails (erotism purely!) telephone and equal again with Schatzi and about it think, who drives to whom on this weekend.
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