Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Good evening!

Since I do not have much time, I come directly to the topic: my granny. We had one of the innumerable dates on Tuesday actually times again because of their hearing aid. And Tuesday morning called it me then in the office and said themselves that I had to call the date off, since you would do the left foot unbelievably pain and it could not occur. That has me then nevertheless already heavily worries, because granny has diabetes and is there problems with the feet always so a thing. One hears again and again that Diabetikern the feet must be removed, because they are not supplied with blood correctly any longer. Tja, and my loved grandmother flax more are than senseless there, which concerns its health and in particular its nutrition, would be particularly amazing it actually not, if that would rächen itself in this way now. I shifted then first times only the date with the Akkustiker and undertook first nothing else. When still no improvement had then adjusted itself however yesterday, my Schatzi and I drove with granny to the hospital, since in the afternoon physicians have Wednesday now times no consulting hour. After a quite long waiting period then a young, very nice lady doctor came and grannies of feet examined. It tested and came first times the blood circulation then to the resolution that we should drive both to the neurologist and to the container specialist. She meant, the blood circulation in the feet was rather bad, but one can know that only if one has a container picture.Anyhow we are then today first times to the neurologist. And that found then very clear words: if granny makes so further, then they will remove “little by little the legs from it (quotation)”. It must absolutely remove and their sugar must be reasonably adjusted. It pointed a completely dark picture out. Tja, and rigid-intimately, how my grandmother flax now times like that is, took it all this somehow not really seriously. And therefore I spoke straight again with it. I said it that she must worry urgently more about itself. She must get finally again Mumm into the bones. It moves as well as never from the dwelling (except for buying) and sits dearest in its television armchair and sleeps. I mean, me am also clear that she has strong pain when running. Without question. But clearly it is also that it does not become better, if it does not move as well as no more. Completely on the contrary, the thing aggravates still. And I also said it that I cannot at all understand it that she does not high-get - with leaves said - the ass. If I had as strong pain as it, then I would set all levers in motion, so that I better am. And if I were allowed to only nourish myself for it of “Diabetiker eating” and a Bandscheiben OI had to let be issued over me, I would probably do it, so that I am at least halfway pain-free. But granny rather prefers it, micht itself to pills vollzuschmeissen and about it to complain, how badly she is. I do not want to play that down here, but to a not insignificant part she has debt at her situation. And it now promised me to run each day a few steps. That it leaves each day the dwelling at least once. And if it is only for 5 minutes up to the next bus stop. And I would know bets that she continues to come into a few weeks a whole piece, as perhaps today. Naja, it promised it me to really loose-march now each day. Times it looks whether she also adheres to it…So, I must still evenly quickly shower, because I was a while ago 1,45 grant joggen and afterwards in the Sauna and directly telephone I naturally again with my Schatzi, which I over all dear. Just like my granny, with whom I grew up and who pays attention now hopefully a little more to itself. Hopefully….

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