Sunday, February 25, 2007

Already better

Hectar! And again the sport helped me. Me no more is not cold, hunger has I also more so correct and to I with my Schatzi telephones, is not also not so long it more.
Property today the answer of the tax office about my wage tax refunding get. I had counted somehow on the double one. And who had me hopes made? Elster! No, no, I do not mean any Raabe, but the program of the tax office, with which one can make on-line its tax declaration. And there there is stop also a function, with which refunding which can be expected can be computed. It stands still expressly with the fact that one does not have a legal requirement due to this computation, but I had thought actually that at least in approximately is correct, what the program eject there. But that that lies so beside it. And naturally I had already looked forward to the money and a part of it had already planned. Of it a washing machine wanted to buy. Yes, I know, a typically male dream. Naja, well, not really, but my Schatzi must always wash with its father and does not deplore themselves lately that she must constantly drag the laundry back and forth. And that must have urgently an end. But no matter, then stop remains for only completely little of refunding.
So, tomorrow morning are again cradles. I had already times mentioned. We - a few colleagues and I - once weekly weigh us in the office. Begun we are thereby at the beginning of of 2003. For one quarter first. And there we had then also bet. It concerned to stop, who decreases in these three months in most. The price was then - naturally suitably - a meal, which the others had to then pay. , And I won Tja at that time. Although I had to pay occasionally also times fine. We had specified as condition that one must have removed something in each week. Even if one held the weight of the previous week, this punishment (I believe 3 euro) cost.
In any case we weighed the whole year over. However then without the pressure of the bet. And within this yearly I had in the meantime already nearly again my old combat weight. Not completely, but already nearly. Naja, and for January we repeated the action. However we loosened the rules somewhat: one may not increase. Weight hold costs no fine. And I must say, somehow am not as high the motivation with us to all this mark long as in the last year. We must pay all to two to three times fine, because we increased occasionally. But for the moment I am motivated. And I hope that I at least nen Pound decreased. By the way we weigh on a completely simple, mechanical balance.
I can by the way recommend very the 16-Uhr-Diät. Actually none particularly secret behind it. Simply after 16 o'clock eat nothing more. That is it actually already. And if one wants to only hold its weight, then one must slam stop shut before 16 o'clock properly. Even if one liked to then decrease additionally still, then one should eat dolle much also not so correctly before 16 o'clock. And I try at present. Today I ate also only a Tiefkühlpizza and a Danny+Sahne. And a while ago also still sport made. During the week it falls me also soooo uncommonly heavily to hold me by this Diät. My discipline leaves to be desired however with difficulty, if I am with my Schatzi. There fodder I mostly, as if there would be nothing more tomorrow. (Which certain-proves also in is correct, because if I am not with the Schatzi, there is also as well as nothing more) oh, weight on last Friday: 85 kg
So, now it is in addition, already again 23,10 o'clock and I wanted still the fingernails to cut oneself, before I telephone with my Schatzi. Yes, still highly erotische plans heut evening…
By the way I did not get my camera on Tuesday. But tomorrow. Finally. Also long enough lasted.
So, good night,

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